Check out our new Scutum Admin Template Altair Admin Template Altair is a professional HTML5/CSS3 Material Design template based on UIkit Framework and jQuery Library. This template has been built with Bower (package manager), Gulp (streaming build tool) and Handlebars.js (templating system). Latest update // v2.22 (10.03.2020) [new][all] Collapsible columns [new][all] Expanded Top Bar (filters) [update][all] \"c3js-chart\": \"~0.7.15\" [update][all] \"chartist\": \"^0.11.4\" [update][all] \"ckeditor\": \"^4.13.1\" [update][all] \"clndr\": \"~1.5.1\" [update][all] \"codemirror\": \"^5.52.0\" [update][all] \"cropper\": \"~4.1.0\" [update][all] \"datatables-buttons\": \"^1.6.1\" [update][all] \"echarts\": \"^4.6.0\" [update][all] \"jquery\":... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Hey tzd! Been loving this template since I bought it in 2016!
I’m using Datatables as you have it, but I’d like to make the search input parent use class `uk-width-1-1` instead of `uk-width-medium-1-3`.
I am using your Scroll – vertical code from:
Kind regards

Review Left On 04/12/2022
I really love this template but now, I have a problem with sidebar. Here is my code:
The problem is on mobile phones the logo is not showing, but if I resize the window on my desktop it shows. Can you guide me?
Best Regards

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hello. The template send double post sometimes, how i can fix that? when i disable the template works fine
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Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hello Team,
how to disable previous/past date from today date on data-uk-datepicker=”{format:’DD/MM/YYYY’}”
pls help

Review Left On 07/24/2022
Hi, Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for the kind words.
To make this search input 100% width please change “dom” option like this
"dom": "<'dt-uikit-header'f>" +
"<'uk-overflow-container'tr>" +
"scrollY": "200px",
"scrollCollapse": false,
"paging": false
Here you can find documentation for this option

Review Left On 08/26/2022
we have purchased your “altair-admin-material-design-uikit-template” theme for angular, unfortunately it’s in AngularJS (1.X) template we are working in angular 8.x, that make it non compatible so if you have any Angular 8 supported version for the particular template, kindly share its link from where we can get it

Review Left On 09/18/2022
Hi, thanks for you work, the theme is very powerful. A quick question. I’m using
this code for selectize:
but if I put more then 1 item I see the situation but if i resize form (for example) I can see all combo ok
any suggest to fix it?
I’m in a modal form.
Thanks a lot